Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I realised that the grip was feasible as it does not cause much and it is not a complex item.

What I chose

I chose to do a grip for the elderly hand phone as the elderly have weak hands and sometime the phone will just slip out of their hands.That's why I chose the grip because it will not easily slip out of the hands.

EQ mindmap 2

EQ mindmap

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Selecting EQ's

Here are my questions for the Elderly Challenge:

1)How are the elderly going to live in the world that we live in?

I chose this question as the most important as this is one of the most difficult things to do to change the attitude of the elderly as they are so used to their old life.

2)How are they going to cope with their daily life?

This is the second most important for me as coping with their daily life is very difficult as our current world is so technologically advanced and they cannot keep up with our times

3)How are the elderly going to move around?

This is the least important as there are a lot of walking aids already prepared for them.But the problem is the public areas are not so elderly friendly

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Elderly Challenge

My observations on the elderly

Observation 1: They are not aware of the dangers of crossing the road.Some of them just jay-walk and do not bother about the overhead bridges as it is a difficult task for them to climb it.Although there are traffic lights,some of the elderly are too lazy to walk to it and this could be dangerous if they just jay-walk.

Observation 2: As the people get older,their movement gets slower and they complain they experience more pains in their joints than before.They therefore need to use walking aids which will actually cause more problems to some of the elderly.

Observation 3: Their memory gets weaker the older they are and tend to forget things fast.I have witnessed it before and I think it is sad as you have to keep asking people about anything you forget and that sometimes irritates impatient people.

Observation 4: Their vision becomes very poor and they may develop cataracts at this stage.The elderly have to squint to watch the television.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1)Research is finding out for information to build up on a particular topic.

2)Research is important as we can know more and have more knowledge.

3)We can conduct good research by going to the library,searching the internet and many more.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1:Personal reflection

1. ADMT is using art on a different platform such as technology to make it advanced.

2. ADMT is important because it makes unleash the creativity in us which is important in art

3. I would want to learn how to use art to my advantage.
